A few weeks ago (yes, I'm still
that behind on blog posts!) the Mariners had a kids weekend, and we headed to the ballpark. This was actually Eli's second game, but he was only four months old at the first one.

Needless to say, he was much more into the experience this time! We all had a great time, and despite missing his nap that day, Eli had a great afternoon - there was just so much to do and see! He discovered a fun new snack while sitting in the bleachers and spent much of the game eating sunflower seeds as fast as we could shell them. He also got to visit the Moose Den and say hi to his old pal the Mariner Moose.
He was very excited to see his furry friend again, and came much closer to giving him a high-five. :) Near the end of the game Eli went for a walk with Pa and came back wearing a very cool Mariner's cap that he is rarely seen without these days! Eli has added "Ichiro" and "Mariners" to his vocabulary, and it's awfully cute when he sits in Pa's lap watching the games on t.v. and says "Go Ichiro! Go Mariners!"
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