Okay, so I have a lot of melt-mommy's-heart moments with Eli...he's such a dear, sweet, fun little boy - and I admit I'm a bit on the mushy side (can't you just hear Ryan saying "..."a bit"? That's an understatement!"). But I think today's moment takes the cake! Eli and I have been working on coloring and decorating thank you cards for the birthday gifts he received (yes, they're a little late), so we've been talking a lot about coloring pictures for people we love. Today my precious little man climbed up into a desk chair, found a piece of paper and a pencil, and started to color. This all went unnoticed by me until he looked up and said "Making it for God!" Awestruck, I turned to him and asked "what did you say?" He repeated, very emphatically, "Making it for God!" As you can imagine, I then became a puddle of love-mush on the floor! This was compounded by the fact that just two days ago as we were buckling Eli into his carseat, he said (completely out of nowhere), "Eli loves Jesus." Thank you, Lord, for growing our dear son's spirit and love for You!
That is so sweet! It is truly amazing that such young hearts are open and ready to love the Lord! And for the record...Grace's birthday was in MARCH and her thank yous are still sitting on the counter!!
LOVE it! So great...
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