At long last, the Christmas post...
We had a wonderful first Christmas together in our new home. Really, we've had a wonderful Christmas/Advent month with all of our holiday activties, and this special day was just the icing on the cake (unfortunately not literally...I had every intention of baking a birthday cake for Jesus, but that's one thing that just didn't get done. It's on the "must do" list for next year!). Anyway, Ryan and I had a great time on Christmas Eve setting out Santa's gift to Eli and filling his stocking. We talked about how, as kids, we never would have believed that Christmas could possibly be more fun as an adult. However, it's SO much more fun now, as an adult and parent! First, there's the unmatchable joy that comes from a deeper understanding of Christmas; understanding that it's the day we celebrate the very greatest gift ever given to each and every one of us, the day we celebrate God's immeasurable love for us, poured out through the birth of Jesus Christ and His ultimate sacrifice in giving His perfect life out of mercy and love for us. I mean, WOW! Combine that with the giddy, giggly joy of being a parent picking out gifts you know your child will love and then getting to watch in jubilation as your child excitedly enjoys those gifts. And even more important, hearing your child talk about the birth of Jesus and beginning to learn what Christmas is really about. I can honestly say this was my favorite Christmas ever! An added perk was that it was definitely a white Christmas!
We thought we had gotten all the snow we were going to get, but woke up to a couple of fresh inches and it continued falling throughout the day. Ryan went out and shoveled the walkway in the moring and had to go shovel it again later in preparation of our dinner guests' arrival. I got up early to make fresh cinnamon rolls for breakfast...don't be too impressed, as they weren't Ryan's grandma's "from scratch" cinnamon rolls. I took a shortcut and used Biquick, but they turned out great and were at least more "from scratch" than the canned variety I've made in years past. It was a fun activity that I think I'll continue in years to come. (This photo was taken later, when we finally sat down for breakfast).
Ryan got up a little while later, and by the time he finished shoveling the walkway Eli was awake. I probably looked like a giddy little kid as I ran to the garage, baby monitor in hand, half-shouting "Eli's awake, Eli's awake!" We went up to his room to get him and then all came downstairs together to see what Santa had brought. Eli had been hoping all month that Santa would bring him Thomas' Roundhouse (aka, "the place where Thomas sleeps"), and lo-and-behold, that's exactly what Santa brought! :)
Eli was really excited! After awhile we got him to open his stocking, which was filled with everything from toy zoo animals to new stamps and his first pair of scissors (monkey scissors no less) to Lightning McQueen and 'Mater socks. Our little guy was a happy camper!
Later, the new giraffe and the new monkey scissors "helped" with opening presents.
Opening presents was quite an adventure that didn't end until today! Eli was so into playing with his new toys that he didn't want to move on to other gifts. I can't tell you how many times on Christmas day we asked him if he was ready to open another present and he answered, "No, want to keep playing." After the first "no," Ryan said, "He's the first kid in history to say "no" to that question!" I guess we should be glad that he showed appreciation for the things he received instead of just ripping through everything without much thought. I'm sure that day is coming eventually! Anyway, he did a really great job of opening gifts, and it was fun to watch. 
It was a very Thomas Christmas at our house this year. Eli received not only the Roundhouse, but also several engines and cars, tons of tracks, a collection of Thomas books, Thomas pajamas, and a subscription to the Thomas magazine! Eli spent the majority of Christmas day (and every day since then) playing trains. 
He is also definitely enjoying the variety of other things he received. Thank you so very much to all of our wonderful family for all of the amazing gifts! In the evening we enjoyed a wonderful dinner with Ryan's parents and grandmother. We're really enjoying hosting dinners in our new home. Unfortunately I had the camera positioned wrong, and Eli and I were cut out of the photos.
Obviously next time I need to look at the pictures to make sure they turned out well! It was a truly wonderful day, and despite the fact that he'd been sick all week, Eli thoroughly enjoyed his Christmas. Here's a photo of the snowman Dada made for him in the backyard a couple of days before Christmas, since Eli was too sick to go out and build one himself.
Eli did get to go outside just long enough to add the all-important carrot nose! I also have to share a couple of quiet Christmas moments...Eli enjoying some of his new books on Christmas morning...
Merry Christmas everyone! May you be blessed with the joy of the Lord in the New Year!
We love the pictures!! Lucas has been checking with me everyday to see if Eli has put up His Christmas post!! Looks like a lovely first Christmas in your new home!! Going to have to sensor what I read out loud from now on-I almost did not catch myself in time when reading the post to about adult content......see you in two weeks!! e
I hope kids don't read your posting... you wouldn't want to be the one to spoil Santa's true identity would you??
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