This is what Eli does when we bring out the camera and tell him to say "cheese." We call it the "cheese face"...

Ryan had the opportunity a few nights ago to enjoy some amazing seats at the Sonics game with some colleagues, so Eli and I decided to have a night out as well. We went to McDonald's (before you roll your eyes and groan, they do have some healthier options now, and we certainly don't go there every day!), where Eli loves the chicken nuggets and apples - and particularly the play area! After dinner we enjoyed an ice cream together, which Eli did an amazing job of sharing! ("Bite E-eye, bite Mama" - so sweet!) As you can see, Eli thoroughly enjoyed the treat. :)

Afterward it was back to the play area, where Mama followed right along with the camera. As I was trying to get Eli to smile (you're all familiar by now with his "cheese face" for photos), Eli finally decided he'd had enough and said "no cheese!" I was laughing out loud at this clever statement! And yes, I did respect his wishes and go put the camera away. :)

Hey, no judgement here. We use Mc Donald's all the time now that Camden needs the calories. We would be happy to join you anytime at Mc Donald's!
Cheryl, I am on a campaign to get parents to stop saying "cheese!" when they whip out the camera. It only produces fake smiles. If you want him to smile you just have to be silly, bark like a dog, fake sneeze, fake vomit, and if that doesn't work make farting sounds (that gets them every time).
I'm coming to McDonalds with you next time, not only for the chicken nuggets, apples, and ice cream, but also to watch you bark, sneeze, vomit and make farting noises in public :)!
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