Alright, at long last...the Christmas post! Sorry it took so long. Now that we're back to "normal" life, it's harder to find time to post...especially a long post like this is bound to be. Besides, Christmas lasted several days due to the start of our celebration on Christmas Eve and the continuous arrival of packages for several days after Christmas! Anyway, we had a great Christmas! We continue to be so blessed by the Lord, and so grateful for the ultimate gift of salvation through Jesus. As far as earthly gifts, we were generously blessed there, too. Eli had a great time opening his presents, particularly ripping the wrapping paper. Obviously we don't often tell him to rip things, so being encouraged to tear paper was quite exciting! In several cases when he reached the gift he would toss it aside and keep ripping the wrapping. It was very amusing!

Not to worry, though, gift-givers; Eli is
loving all of his new toys! He is having a great time breaking them all in, while (fortunately) not actually breaking them. :)

We spent parts of three days in a row at Nana and Pa's house. We had the pleasure of spending a few hours with Andrew and Jill before they headed back to Spokane for Jill to sing in their church's Christmas Eve service. We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Eve service with our own congregation, too. On Christmas day Eli spent the whole day (including dinner at Nana & Pa's) in his new pajamas - which are his new favorites thanks to the cars, trucks, trains, and helicopters all over them! The day after Christmas we returned for dinner again, and Eli had a grand old time helping Nana make the dinner rolls!

Needles to say, we had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you to everyone who sent gifts, we deeply appreciate your generosity. Merry Christmas to everyone, and may God bless you tremendously in the new year!
Great Pictures Cheryl- Lucas especially loves looking at photos of COusin Eli with Nana! Thanks for keeping us up to date!
PS wasn't that Childrens museum in Factoria where we all went last February with Nana? that was a GREAT experience how fun to be able to go often!
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