Eli was excited to choose his own Halloween costume this year. At first he wanted to be a doggy, just like last year. I thought this was a great idea until I began the search and couldn't find one big enough to fit him. Fortunately a visit to the costume shop saved me...as soon as Dada pointed out the Thomas costume, Eli's decision was made! He was so excited, and immediately said "don't want the doggy, want Thomas!" Since then he's gotten really into Thomas! He has a Thomas warm-up suit to wear under his costume, and a Thomas bucket to take trick-or-treating. The other switch is that when he gets to watch a show, he no longer chooses Wiggles - now it's Thomas every time! :) While he was posing for this photo with Emily, I asked him if he was Thomas the Train...he very quickly informed me that "I'm Thomas the Tank Engine!" Pardon my mistake! :) 

I also had to do a little reminiscing, and I can't believe how different Eli was a year ago. My baby has definitely become a little boy! Enjoy the walk down memory lane...be sure to click on the YouTube links!